Hypotheses from Here


A collection of essays
Celebrating grace-givers
Challenging formula-keepers
Contemplating faith
Cultivating communities of creativity

I am the girl who somehow arrived at mid-life never having given up the habit of asking “why?” Perhaps that is because most of my days have unfolded fortuitously into scientific and faith communities rife with opportunities to do just that.  Both disciplines offer deep wells from which to draw out measures of truth.  Both allow us the luxury of making hopeful hypothesis and both lead us eventually to the edge of speech-stealing wonder.  Both disciplines honor earnest inquiry and both beg endless exploration in the expectation of discovering something more

The relentless nudge of “mystery” does its best work by heartening and humbling us, inviting imagination and cultivating community in its wake. 

Imagination beckons us to observe more, ask more, listen more, gather more…and community calls us to share more. 

This blog is dedicated to hypothesis makers who are unafraid to be proven wrong and unpretentious when proven right– knowing we will have contributed something in the process.  I’m writing for those of us who believe in handing out grace like candy even as we challenge the status quo and to we who believe that real progress never fails to increase our humility.  And finally, I’m writing to those of us who see creativity and community as some of the best gifts of the Spirit.  

It seems to me that scientific discovery and religious awakenings both thrive in proportion to our efforts to discern and enable relationship. 

May the same be said for this collection of writings. 
